If you cast your eye to the top of eBay today you’ll notice a new “Shop Gifts” logo which links to “ aff_link("https://portal.ebay.co.uk/christmasgifts/","Santa's Workshop","","UK"); ?>“, a new microsite awash with Christmas gift ideas (mainly from eBay Enterprise and Outlet sellers). This is really a skin for the Weekly Deals program and is designed to drive traffic back to the eBay Deals landing page, but it’s prettily designed and features some of the best deals on offer this week.
If my esteemed colleague Dan Wilson is reading this though he should stop reading now or it’ll cost him fifteen quid. For those that don’t know Dan is a committed Whovian and one of the Christmas deals on offer is aff_link("https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Doctor-Dr-Who-Chess-Set-/300617602061","Doctor Who Chess Set for £14.99","","UK"); ?>. This chess set features pieces bearing the likeness of some of the most beloved Doctor Who characters and I’m not sure Dan will be able to keep his slush fund in his PayPal account when he sees this one.
5 Responses
But what a piss poor listing? Who are on the chess peices, how good are the likenesses? I would like to know.
But until then, I’m out.
This listing highlights the fact that the image “enlarge” function does anything but!
What chance does Dan have of even attempting to identify from the image “who” the characters are?
Another major glitch for eBay to sort out.
Those selling imperfect collectables and “who” are relying on eBay’s image hosting will not be amused. But of course this is all to eBay’s advantage given that poor quality small images that cannot be enlarged will result in lower DSR scores. So of course this will not be a priority fix. And as for the customer experience “EXTERMINATE”!
ebay ebay ebay.
If only you had someone with a brain !
Why do I have to go to Amazon (they have a zoom that works) or Google (risk of finding a better price) to find the answer?
•Complete chess set featuring characters from Doctor Who series 5