We’ve had a few complaints to make about eBay’s Daily Deals lately and that they’re not Christmassy enough. With that in mind we though we’d have a quick scout about on eBay and found some great items that we liked.
Over the next few weeks we’ll be highlighting some of the best deals, the hot products and stuff we simply think is cool. If you are selling a product that fits the bill and you’d like to see it in the next edition of TameBay’s Christmas Deals get in touch and let us know your suggestions.
aff_link("https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110781636402","6 Pack Christmas Films DVDs","","UK"); ?>
aff_link("https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280758672187","Christmas Tree Notepad","","UK"); ?>
£1.99 Free Post Buy 2, Get 1 Free
2 Responses
How’s this for the perfect stocking filler: