Swap your 1st Gen iPod Nano for an Nano Touch 8gig

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Good news from TameBay reader Joe, he read our story back in November about Apple recalling all 1st Generation iPod Nano devices and replacing them with new models.

Apple didn’t reveal what the replacement would be, but Joe is now the delighted owner of a brand new iPod Nano Touch 8gig. If you’ve not sent in your old first gen iPod Nano then we’d encourage you to do so – the Apple iPod nano (1st generation) Replacement Program still appears to be live.

You’ve got to hand it to Apple, this must be costing them a small fortune, but it’s great for any avid eBayer who either wants to buy an old Nano on eBay and swap it for a new one, or even better if you already possess an old Nano get it replaced and flog the replacement on eBay (or of course you might just want to keep it for yourself!)

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