eBay have given notice that they’ll be testing an enhanced version of version of recently viewed items starting from the 13th February.
They say that “This enhanced display will appear in a more consistent manner on the global footer of search results pages and active item pages. Buyers who have shown an interest in a seller’s item will be encouraged and reminded to purchase. A direct link will allow quicker and easier access to the items.“.
I really like this, I often look at items on eBay and often see them displayed on the eBay home page, but anything that aff_link("https://www2.ebay.com/aw/uk/201202141531272.html","encourages buyers to revisit these items","","UK"); ?> and possibly bid on them or place a fixed price offer or purchase is good news.
eBay say that depending on how feedback from the test goes they may make it a permanent feature on the site – I’m crossing my fingers that it encourages sales and works for buyers because that means it works for sellers.
4 Responses
One difference I’ve noticed is an Amazon-style ‘see what other people bought after buying this item’ with a gallery of images displaying suggestions to buy.
I’ve long been worried about inconsistency in the global footer, so am greatly relieved to see ebay take action.
I can remember what I viewed recently, eBay aiming for dementia sufferers and druggies now?
Actually could work with some of the goods for sale and sellers policies, maybe the stoned and deluded won’t notice.
Policing of policy compliance would be more effective, I see some long time sellers introducing email addresses and phone numbers in to item descriptions whilst providing descriptions that are so lacking that further contact is almost essential.
eBay penalise sellers by demoting listings in best match that are viewed but not bought.
Buyers are then directed to the very same listings that they have viewed but not bought.