There’s free listing for the whole of the Easter break for private sellers on eBay UK. From the 6th to the 9th of April you can list up to 100 auctions with a start price of £1.00 or more for free on the UK site.
There are the normal restrictions, it doesn’t apply to business sellers, you can’t use any listing tools bar the sell your item form or mobile apps and your account needs to meet eBay’s minimum seller standards. Items listed with start prices of 99p or less will count towards the free 100 listings you already get each month as a private seller.
All the weather forecasts predict dire weather for Easter, either you’ll be snowed in or it’ll be raining so you might as well rattle around the house and list all those unwanted and unloved Christmas presents you’ve never used or touched over the last three months.
Full are on eBay
6 Responses
Does anyone list during the week anymore?
Every weekend it’s free listing time. Why do ebay need to do this ?
4 Days Easter Special 100 Free Listings. What an opportunity missed. Usually a 2 day weekend Free Listing is 100 items. Easter Special 4 Days and only 100 items. Why not a Real Special of say 1,000 items or 5,000 or really Special 50,000? Just 100 can hardly be called “Special”.