eBay Australia removes ad from search results

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eBay Australia have announced their intention to remove adverts from the top of search results pages. These were some of the most annoying adverts on eBay and will be gladly missed. The biggest impact is of course more listings will be visible in search results.

No one will be sorry to see these adverts gone, advertisers have in the past made horrible flashing adverts and some in the past have even played music on mouse-over (although eBay were quick to ban those).

eBay will be adding new ads to eBay Australia though, they’ll start to see merchandising adverts at the bottom of search results and also as per the UK and US they’ll get adverts on the view item page below the seller information box from the 30th of May. This of course is the worst possible news as eBay have yet to redesign the view item page so Australian sellers can look forward to acres of wasted white space at the top of eBay listings to accommodate the new adverts.

2 Responses

  1. “(although eBay were quick to ban those)”. Not that quick, as I recall. They first denied that such things existed, insisting that it only happened when you clicked on them.

  2. I have set my anti virus security suite to block all ads, 3558 ads blocked this week alone.


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