Miriam Lahage, erstwhile Head of Global Fashion at eBay until the end of February, has revealed her new role on Twitter. She tweeted:
“Joining P&C as MD of New Business June 1. So excited! Work in Vienna Mon-Fri, back to London Sat-Sun, #LifeIsGood”
P&C, to those of you not well aquainted with fashion brands in Germany and Austria, is Peek & Cloppenburg: a well respected fashion retailer. And it’s clearly a cushy number with lucrative benefits: she’ll be flying back and forth to the UK on weekends. And that ain’t cheap. Our poor planet. Think of the CO2 emissions. Still. It IS fashion.
I still think the key question has yet to be answered, dahlinks. Does my bum look big in this? No. Sorry. The key question!
“Did she jump or was she pushed?” Our enquiries have not answered those questions. But your Tamebay newshound can’t help noticing that leaving at the end of Feb -count the months: March, April, May – means a June 1st start date if you have a three month notice period. One thing we know: her garden must look lovely after all that leave, especially with this rain.
Hopefully this is the last I will have to write about the frankly almost entirely uninteresting Miriam Lahage. Honestly though, my bum. Big? Honestly though? Even in the jeggings?
2 Responses
Working on the basis that she is very busy during the week. If it had been me I think that I would stay in Vienna a few weekends as it is a beautiful city and with the Danube running through it and all of Austria on the doorstep. What can London offer to compare to that? Especially with the Olympics soon to happen(think if nothing else delays at the worst airport in the World-Heathrow). No I would certainly stay in Vienna, certainly for a few weekends.