eBay Test New Home, SERP & Shop pages

No primary category set

We’ve heard rumours for some time that eBay might be about to launch a redesigned home page, and this weekend Innovation Inception (trading on eBay as ) spotted test pages and supplied screen shots of what could become the new look and feel of eBay.

The New eBay UK Home Page Test

The biggest difference coming to the home page is the much smaller header, the repositioning of the eBay logo and the logo change from “eBay.co.uk” to just “eBay”.

The test page has a feedback option linking to an opinion page where eBay ask if the new design makes the page seems less cluttered. Users in the test can pick 1 of 5 preset options ranging from strongly agree to don’t know.

The New eBay Search Results Page Test

Similar to the eBay UK Home Page test, the Search Results Page test has a slimmed down header and a repositioned eBay logo again missing the .co.uk familiar to the UK at the moment.

On the Search Results Page (SERP) test the skyscraper ad we’re used to seeing on the right hand side of the page has been repositioned under the menu bar, and the left hand navigation bar appears to be slimmed down.

The New eBay Shops Page

Are eBay about to rename the UK’s beloved “eBay Shops” as “eBay Stores”? The logo on the shops test page would indicate that this change might be coming and it’s not the first time I’ve heard it rumoured. Many years ago eBay asked users in the UK if they preferred “Shops” or “Stores” and the unequivocal answer was that, whilst the US are welcome to their stores and France is welcome to their boutiques, in the UK we “go to the shop”, “go shopping” and would like an “eBay Shop”. I’m sure this is a pain for eBay to maintain two sets of logo’s and translate shops to stores so it may be that they’ll be renamed soon.

Again the Shops test page has a slimmed down eBay header with the logo repositioned below.

10 Responses

  1. It does not look good if you have todays daily deal. I do not seem to have a link to it any more.

    Have the scrapped them or are they hiding them?

  2. The daily deals are lurking at the bottom of the left hand menu 😉

    We’ve had this view for a week or so, I didn’t realise it was not widely known about. The larger images in search look really good, and it presents a bigger challenge for sellers as now only one or two items show ‘above the fold’, making the top 2 slots ever more important (and no FF soon either).

  3. As a buyer I’m liking the new larger images on the search. As a seller i’m not so sure as i’m sure that buyers will only look so far down the page before moving on.

  4. At last I have seen one of these trials!

    Has felt like my accounts have nver been in the sample group that never seen them, but I have seen the new layout a few times now for the category/search results, much better, the images are huge.

    I certainly hope we’ll not being seeing “Stores” rather than “Shops”, though we laid that one to rest in 2005 🙂


  5. Mixed reactions on the test pages especially about the larger product images – good advantage if using Best Match?

    Some of us also spotted Buzzdock ads.

  6. If you have buzzdock ads you need to remove “yontoo” from firefox add-ons and possibly add/remove programs


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