Royal Mail have published figures confirming that they delivered the majority of mail on time in the April to June second quarter of the year.
The company delivered 98.6% of Second Class mail three working days after posting, beating the 98.5% target, according to independent research. Standard Parcels beat its 90.0% target of delivery within three working days with a 97.1% performance.
92.9% of First Class mail was delivered next working day, against a target of 93%. The First Class mail target now includes single piece pre-paid items as well as stamped and metered mail, as a result of the new regulatory framework introduced by regulator Ofcom in April 2012.
Royal Mail point out that the performance was delivered as Royal Mail continues to modernise. This is one of the biggest transformation programmes underway anywhere in UK industry. New technology and better equipment is being deployed nationwide and the working practices of postmen and women are changing.
What it means for your business is that Standard Parcels, while not tracked is a pretty good bet for a three day service as is Second Class post. If you’re looking for alternative delivery options to save your customers money they’re worth considering.
If you happen to live in Perth then you enjoy the highest First Class performance in the country where a 97.0% performance was achieved, with the Carlisle (CA) and Llandrindod Wells (LD) postcodes following closely behind with 96.7%.