A Happy Christmas to you all

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Wherever you are in the world, and whatever festival you’re celebrating at this time of year, we’d like to wish you a very Happy Christmas. It’s also a great time of year to say “thank you”. So thank you for visiting us, reading Tamebay, commenting, sending us stories and tip-offs and generally helping us keep Tamebay going.

We’re often asked (typically by people in bigger organisations) “how many people are there back in the office running Tamebay?” They don’t seem to believe us when we tell them (entirely truthfully) that it’s just us two, and there are no offices.

Tamebay only exists because people like you support us, and we always appreciate that. We also have a wonderful community of advertisers who are vital too because they help us pay the bills. So, a heartfelt thanks, as always, to them.

From now until the end of the year we’ll be taking a few days off and running a Sunday service. We’ll still be manning the emails if anyone needs us but we won’t be writing or publishing as much as usual. Like many of you we haven’t actually done our Christmas shopping yet and we look forward to getting some drinks in and visiting families and friends.

We hope that you too manage to get some well-earned rest and indulge yourself a little too. We’ll see you in 2013.

Chris and Dan

32 Responses

  1. Thank you both for all your hard work on Tamebay this year, the best eCommerce blog by far!

    ‘av a gud ‘un me ducks xx

  2. With 2013 threatening all sorts of horrors it seems only fair for the two brave members of the Tamebay Team to have a few days off to recharge batteries before 2013 raises its ugly head.

    Wish you and your families a Very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

  3. To Chris and Dan, a huge thank you for all the ‘headsups’ over the year and for your current kind message.

    I hope that you both have a very ‘Happy’ Christmas and that the New Year will
    be a good one for you and for your families.

  4. Thanks to FREE wifi everywhere I can see this messaged while away.

    Its been pleasure following Tamebay. You are doing a Great job guys.

    Have a blessed Christmas.


  5. A great year gents, informative, amusing, and explained superbly, thank you.

    Also great to see the odd political post appear Dan, more please next year, even if they are heavily weighted towards the left 😉

    Have a great Xmas and New Year everybody, 2013 is going to be massive.

  6. Another excellent year of informative and useful features, articles and retail news. Tamebay has truly established itself as the number 1 source of eBay, Amazon and other channels news and views.
    Well done guys

  7. Happy Christmas to both of you and Tamebay readers. Please continue your great work in 2013. Cheers.

  8. Happy Christmas to the two of you and yours.

    Thanks for the info and heads up on stuff, brilliant site.


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