From Lengow – Ecommerce tips for 2013

Multi-channel ecommerce service provider Lengow has released these tips and advice for success in 2013.

Be mobile compatible

This dynamism has been driven, among others, by the development of the m-commerce. Retail on mobile devices knew a strong development over the past few months: 20% of UK online sales were made through mobile devices (including tablets) in the end of 2012*. Smartphones and tablets are more than ever an essential niche that e-retailers have to consider to be more visible and increase their sales. E-retailers have therefore to make sure their e-shop is mobile and tablet compatible because this trend will be stronger in 2013. Offering a mobile devices-optimised shop to consumers is a guarantee of success and visibility that online merchants must integrate within their ecommerce strategy. Lengow supports online merchants in the creation and optimisation of mobile-optimised store, directly from their product catalogue.

Adopt a global multichannel strategy

Being mobile compatible is part of a global multichannel strategy, which was a strong aspect of the 2012 ecommerce trends. The diversity of ecommerce channels allows online retailers to spread their products catalogues over hundreds supports on which consumers don’t hesitate to spend time to find the right product at the right price. They browse on comparison shopping sites, marketplaces, social media, and mobile devices and so on. Being visible on a majority of these distributors and having the widest possible distribution will increase e-retailers’ opportunity to gain clients and therefore to increase revenue. This trend of multichannel strategy is expected to continue in the months to come but such a strategy might quickly become tedious and time-consuming. That’s why Lengow helps e-retailers to optimise and centralise the management of the various channels on which they sell, via one unique and easy-to-use interface.

Improve your customer relationship

With a multichannel strategy must come an efficient customer relationship. Beyond keeping up a strong relationship, online retailers must create a customer experience to make them participative and to gain their loyalty in the long run. The social and participative ecommerce is a key to improve customer relationship. Engaging the users, making them participate to the activity of your e-shop (thanks to a dedicated reviews section for example) might be profitable. They are feeling this way involved, which will be converted into loyalty.

Optimise payment methods to boost your sales worldwide

The optimisation of the customer experience comes also with new and optimised payment methods. Users want to find the payment methods they prefer, different according countries. Enlarging one’s payment methods is essential to optimise sales on each market and increase cross-border trade.



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Lengow Day 2020 is today, Thursday 1st October


Lengow Day 2020 – 1st October – 100% digital

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