Why can’t all sellers use the Product Bundles Feature? That’s what Clarky from Wholesale Interiors wants to know. What’s the point of a great eBay feature that’s only open to a few selected sellers? Today Clarky wants some answers so all suggestions on how to get access to the feature are welcome.
With the forthcoming changes to TRS and the discussion regarding bundles and offering discount on free post items I thought I would do some digging and found that ebay already has the ability to do this via bundles.
The only problem is (according to eBay support staff) they are only available to “enterprise sellers” however what one needs to do to gain this legendary status is a mystery as there are some very small accounts with this as well as the larger ones you would expect.
eBay support staff will only confirm they are “invite only and you are not eligible”
aff_link("https://pages.ebay.co.uk/sell/sellerupdate/may2011/shopping-basket.html","Bundles were promised back in May 2011","","UK"); ?>. Bundles are live on site and have been for some time…
I thought it may be interesting to find out why the rest of us have no access to this highly useful tool which will solve a number of issues being faced by many merchants in light of the recent announcements?
Editors note: We at Tamebay also don’t know why eBay haven’t managed to roll out this feature to all sellers. It’s high time it was, as Clarky says it’s a great feature and one that has the potential to increase sales for all business sellers as well as solve the problem of giving free shipping for additional items as a bonus to buyers.
Come on eBay – when will you give access to all sellers to this great feature? Clarky’s choice of video says it all…
13 Responses
I believe there is also a tool to show dual prices on items as well, rather than crappy old markdown manager. When we do use MM we do have an uplift in sales as we have many items we can offer at a discount rate.
I believe that people allowed these are business that have shown big growth and possibly businesses that are in home and garden, we were approached by ebay to go on a scheme for accelerated growth, but decided to turn it down as I didn’t like the outsourced company they were using for stock management, perhaps this is all part of that?
ebay will only roll this out when they have come up with a suitable fee structure for those who wish to offer bundles. To roll bundles out to all without any form of revenue compensation structure will cost ebay.
ebay are paranoid about any proposal that is revenue negative no matter how good it may be for its customers (sellers?). The employee who came up with the idea no doubt has been shifted to another department.
Bundles are great but I have to use them VIA Channelgrabber and then CG adjusts t stock qty.
They now do multipack bundles but I haven’t quite got my had around that one yet.
I can then have a pair of earring fittings on one SKU and 2 charms listed on another sku.
I then create a bundle on CG as a new SKU and associate the earring fittings and the 2 x charms.
CG sees how many parts are in stock and if someone buys the new bundle it reduces all parts accordingly and likewise if someone purchased 1 charm only leaving 1 remaining it would end the earring listing as there are no longer 2 available,.
It does get quite complex BUT it works.
I never even knew that ebay had a bundle feature, for the exclusive few.
eBay have been testing this for the past 18 months. At the moment it is being rolled out with Enterprise accounts, but it and can be set up by any account holder. Go into ‘My eBay’, and scroll down to left hand side bar and click on cross selling tool. There you can set up your own bundle.
A couple of years ago, ebay pr used to constantly beat the drum on how every seller, big or small was treated the same.
They did it when they rolled out trs, daily deals when smaller sellers were left out, when logos appeared for special sellers in search.
I held onto that PR until I read this. Ebay is no longer the plaform it was 2 years ago. We all know that, but the core principles have changed.
One feature for one and not for another, one service for one, but not for another.
Warren Buffet says only buy shares in companies you want to own and would be happy to for a long time because you like that company, wether it be, principles, innovation, or prdocuct.
I own 0 shares in ebay today and do not intend to buy any in the future.
Ebay once the small medium sellers champion. Is now just another market place with encouraging product churn at any cost.
Its lost its uniqueness due to dividing the seller pool.