Christmas on eBay: it’s Deals Weekend

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60 big

Earlier this week, eBay trailed some TV advertising spots on Channel 4. Did anyone see them? And that marked the real start of eBay’s Christmas campaign. And today starts one of those up to 60% off deals weekend that have proved so popular in the past.

It’s worth having a look to see what’s for sale and if you want to get buying, do it now. If I recall correctly, last year some of the really tasty deals sold out sharpish. The event lasts until midnight on Sunday.

I’ve had a brief browse myself, and I was pretty amazed to see iPad Airs on there. They were only launched on 1st November so to seem them in the line up with £40 off RRP, is pretty interesting.

What’s tickling your fancy?

One Response

  1. I saw the ebay advert, totally unforgettable and uninspiring, just like ebay itself. I feel sorry for sellers that still rely on this dying platform.

    I still remember the ad from 2 years ago though!


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