eBay UK unannounced 50k listing promotion

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There appears to be a listing promotion running from today, 7th July through to the 18th of July for business sellers on eBay UK. The promotion is for 50,000 free insertion fees on fixed price eligible listings.

You’ll need to check your promotion offers in My eBay/Selling Manager to see if you’re included – if you are the promotion will show along with how many free listings you have left. You will also receive an email and will need to click the ‘sign up now’ button to kick the promotion live on your account.

eBay UK 50k listings

We’ll get a link to the as soon as we find them (JD found them!), in the mean time have you been invited to participate in the promotion? Bear in mind that if you have an Anchor eBay shop you’re unlikely to be invited as you already have unlimited free fixed price listing. Owners of Featured eBay shops get 1200 free fixed price listings per month and a Basic eBay shop comes with 200 free listings.

We hear a lot of complaints asserting somewhat unfairly that private sellers clutter up the site with items unlikely to sell on private seller free listings days. Let’s hope that business sellers use the promotion to list attractively priced decent stock 😉

Finally bear in mind that 50,000 free listings doesn’t excuse you from abiding by eBay’s duplicate listing policy.

10 Responses

  1. We’ve been invited (and just accepted) – curiously, our Basic Shop allowance is only showing as 100 though, and not 200 ….? Anyone else?

  2. “We hear a lot of complaints asserting somewhat unfairly that private sellers clutter up the site with items unlikely to sell”

    The statement above really does my head in. If the search was working properly many things would sell.

    And if it was working properly the guf/tat would not be an issue with valid search’s.
    I get the impression the peeps moaning about free listings for private sellers are more concerned about the fact they are not getting free listings.
    I have never been put out or encountered a problem doing search’s due to private sellers selling tat.
    The only time I can think of it being a problem is if you were to browse by section rather than search criteria.

  3. “Bear in mind that if you have an Anchor eBay shop you’re unlikely to be invited as you already have unlimited free fixed price listing” yes but a shop fee discount would be a nice and relevant gesture by way of an apology for lost revenue due to data theft/password fiasco/bad search/google botch etc. Sales have been in steady decline for last 2 years and accelerated apace the last 6 weeks or so, what are we paying high anchor shop fees for?

  4. got my free listings,thanks tamebay,i wouldnt have checked otherwise..:) Simon I have a basic shop and mine is still showing as 200 allowance, a glitch on yours maybe?

  5. >> Simon I have a basic shop and mine is still showing as 200 allowance, a glitch on yours maybe?

    It was a glitch with me – I’m exactly half-way through my allocation and mis-read the figures:

    Used / Left
    100 / 100

    I read it as 100 out of 100 used – oops.

    Still waiting for eBay to answer my support call I logged yesterday, lol

  6. This promo unfortunately doesnt seem to count towards Good Till Cancelled listings. Those are still being taken off my regular allowance. Seems its only for brand new listings you set up rather than automatic re-lists. Shame, that makes me useless to me. I’m not moronic enough to create any new listings since I’m slowly switching over to Amazon.


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