eBay on BBC The One Show

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eBay on The One ShowIf you missed last night’s “The One Show” on BBC, you’ve got 6 more days to catch up on BBC iPlayer (Sorry only available within the UK).

You’ll spot some regular Tamebay readers featured on the eBay clip (which starts 9mins 42seconds into the program if you don’t want to watch it all).

It’s a great bit of consumer marketing for eBay – not easy to get an “advert” on the BBC. Immediately following the pre-recorded part, Peter Capaldi (the new Dr Who) had to guess the final selling price of three pieces of Dr Who memorabilia that was sold on eBay. Guessing two right answers he got two gifts, also bought on eBay.

Great light hearted fun look at the history of eBay so take a break and watch the show while you wait for the courier and can lock the warehouse up for the Bank Holiday.

3 Responses

  1. Ha ha. Great experience, the BBC (BBC Scotland oddly) called us in the morning and asked us if we could participate. We had to set up the laptop (only video enabled machine we have) in our kitchen at home (where it all began as the story goes) and spent some time recording sound bites and video takes. After which we (well Gill actually – clearly I was not photogenic enough) had about 5 seconds of air time. As it aired I watched the Google real time stats on our website which went crazy despite them captioning us with the wrong name. Great fun.

  2. Same old story since the 90’s, more great publicity for evilbay and absolutely nothing for the UKs (seller friendly) ebid. These “journalists” should be doing a feature on unfairly banned sellers (many of which are disabled) – or how about ebays sick “glitch” of telling some banned sellers they are back now – only to find out that they are still banned (after paying to open a shop).


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