There have never been more self-employed people, operating businesses from home, than there are today. It’s a long-term trend that has been fuelled by high unemployment in recent years as well as changing work patterns.
To complete the survey, visit the website.
But what is the nature of the ecosystem? Who are they? What are they doing? How can they be better served?
That’s what Enterprise Nation hope to to find out with a new survey they’ve launched for British based small businesses.
Enterprise Nation promise: “We’ve launched the UK’s biggest Home Business Survey. It will take only 3 minutes of your time to complete and you could be in with a chance of winning one of two iPads! By contributing to this survey, you are helping to reveal the real picture of home business which will influence policies, products and services to best support what is a growing community.”
One Response
I USED to love my job!! 13+ years on eBay but now I feel sick to my stomach after a long, unrewarding day and have to FORCE myself to start the next day…………………this is NOT my fault!!!!
I am greeted EVERY MINUTE by constant ADD ITEMS SPECIFICS………………..earlier in the week I had 2,901 of them!! I DONT want eBay to make stupid suggestions when I AM THE EXPERT IN MY FIELD………we meticulously describe our items in both title and FULL decriptions (even though descriptions can no longer be searched, utterly ridiculous when all eBay tech had to do was FIX the ‘tick to include descriptions’ button…..oh no THEY DELETED IT!!! Every new item we create immediately shows up on my summary page in ADD ITEM SPECIFICS…………….I want to scream from the rooftops…….W E A L R E A D Y D I D!!!!
Having worked on this platform for over a decade my lovely, successful business fell foul of the YOU DO NOT now MEET OUR NEW PICTURE STANDARDS……………… was bad enough repairing 6,000 as well as complying with all the other daily ‘requirements’ to run out of time eventually to have 5,500 items removed in April!! So anybody with more than 2 brain cells would think ALL the items remaining in my depleted shop would have the correct sized pictures………………..they exist up in the shop for several 30 day periods, get relisted, no problem AND YET almost daily I get along with the ADD ITEM SPECIFICS………..UPDATE PHOTOS TO INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF SELLING UP TO 12%……………………for weeks I had FIVE in this annoying ‘things to do’………last night it jumped to SEVENTEEN……………all of those flagging up yesterday and taking me to the brink WELL EXCEED the minimum picture size!!!!!
I am earning 50% on last year’s figures………..50% on any of the preceding 5 years……………………..the shopping basket does NOT work, the search engines are a joke, omniture shows a fraction of the page or store visits that I previously had to a shop with almost 20,000 items (now 15,500) and yet we still work twice as hard for half as much…………….what do eBay do? next to nothing…………oh no they dont (I hear them say) they spend as many minutes in the day as I am trying to make a living…..inventing more and more pathetic ways to ruin, annoy, patronise……………..anything buy HELP successful businesses thrive and get on with the businesses they know best!!! AND if I get one more ‘we want to know what you think of eBay’ or ‘would you recommend eBay to a friend or family member’ OR ‘would you like to speak to someone from eBay’ emails I think the straw will have finally done it’s job!!!