eBay apps update, Promo & mobile milestones

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Updated eBay apps

eBay Android AppeBay have updated both the Android and iPhone version of their popular mobile app.

The main differences for buyers are a Fresh new look, larger photos and improved search results, and in-app notifications. eBay say that you can also take advantage of bonus offers from eBay sellers (Though I’ve not seen this yet on my Android app).

For sellers you can now donate to your favourite charity when selling items, check a buyer’s location when reviewing a Best Offer and send payment reminders through the eBay app.

You can download the latest eBay Android or iPhone version of the apps today.

Sell Your Smartphone Promo

eBay are running for selected private sellers. If you sell your old smartphone on eBay for more than a hundred quid they’ll give you a £25 voucher.

To qualify you need to be invited to participate and then list your smartphone on eBay before the 19th of October. If your smartphone then sells from that listing before the 18th of November eBay will give you a £25 voucher, which can be spent on eBay UK when paying with PayPal on any item with a minimum purchase price of £30.

It’ll come as no surprise that this private seller incentive comes just as many will have been queuing for the latest devices from Apple. But if you do have an older smartphone laying around, now’s the time to be listing it on eBay.

eBay Mobile Milestones

eBay continues to lead in mobile technology, and reach new mobile milestones. The infographic below explores some of their recent highlights on the mobile front:

eBay Mobile

4 Responses

  1. I also noticed ‘sponsored’ listings on the app at the weekend, listings show up that look like ebay listings but actually from ASOS.

  2. Anyone else noticed that desktop search results now have “widescreen” image placeholders when search listings appear on desktop search? Knowing eBay’s habit of kicking curveballs at sellers, I’d put money on it that they’re going to announce that all sellers need to update their images to tablet-shaped proportions. Which, for any seller who has been wise enough to make all their images square in proportion, will be yet another of the annual headaches to come from instabilityBay. Amazon equals just carry on as normal, eBay equals hoop jumping and moved goalposts. Pack it in, eBay!


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