eBay UK are looking for more interesting and inspiring eBay businesses they can punt out to interested media outlets. It could be a good opportunity if you want a bit of publicity.
Here’s what they’re after:
– A seller who started their business last Christmas after spotting a gap in the market
– Someone who turned their part-time selling into a full-time business in the run up to Christmas 2013
– A business who sells seasonal products on eBay and has to scale up in the run up to Christmas
– UK sellers who are successfully trading overseas
Obviously, this isn’t an opportunity for everyone. But quite a few Tamebay readers have previously helped eBay with their PR and got some great coverage that certainly hasn’t hurt business. But clearly those with a bit of media flair and gregariousness are going to get the most out of these opportunities.
If you reckon you have a story to tell apropos the above ideas, drop PR agency a line >> [email protected]