Social shopping could finally materialise in 2015

No primary category set

Econsultancy has published a list of ecommerce trends and predictions for 2015. It makes for interesting reading. But one in particular leapt out to me.

The panel of experts includes Lovehoney’s Matthew Curry, Dan Barker, an e-business consultant, Stuart McMillan of Schuh and James Gurd who owns Digital Juggler.

It’s one of Dan Barker‘s ideas that I like the best:

Social shopping
In 2015 someone will finally launch a social shopping platform that takes hold. Like Tumblr or where your little blog forms part of a much broader ecosystem, and users can buy across multiple seemingly standalone sites through a unified basket or payment system.

But maybe that’s just me hoping: there’s been a strange situation over the last few years where many ecommerce platform changes have benefitted very small sites (eg. you can launch a website for almost nothing now), but most digital marketing changes have benefitted really large sites.”

If he’s right, 2015 will be the year that many stop wondering which new behemoth (Google, Facebook, Apple) will crack the eBay/Amazon ecommerce duopoly. Rather it will be a crowdsourced competitor. Here’s hoping. There’s a stack of opportunity for a challenger.

3 Responses

  1. Why aren’t the crystal ball gazers all billionaires? It is unbelievable that folk pay serious money for this info!

    By the way ebay is doomed!

  2. I have often wondered about this. But there is an old saying ‘Those that can do, those that can’t teach’. Perhaps in this day and age that could be changed to ‘Those that can do, those that can’t pontificate about it’.



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