Solidarity with Raif Badawi

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Raif BadawiWe seldom make political points unrelated to ecommerce on Tamebay, but Chris and I have been so moved by the plight of Raif Badawi in Saudi Arabia that we wanted to speak up for him.

Blogger Raif Sadawi called for free speech to be respected in Saudi Arabia. That has constituted a crime and now he has been fined and imprisoned for 10 years and will also face 1000 lashes in punishment

It started today when he received 50 lashes and it will continue every week for 20 weeks, until 1000 lashes have been delivered. Each week after Friday prayers Badawi will be led out into the square overlooked by al-Jafali mosque in Jeddah. His hands will be tied and he will be flogged on his back.

In a week where we’ve all had cause to reflect on the importance of free speech and a free press, it’s hard not to be appalled by this action on a blogger. As bloggers ourselves enjoying the rights that Sadawi advocates, Chris and I feel very strongly that the Saudi government should commute his sentence.

That’s why we’ve signed the Amnesty petition. And we hope you will consider doing so too.

6 Responses

  1. It’s a disgrace.

    Saudi Arabia seem to be able to do as they please. If this was in Iran it would be condemned by every World leader looking to score points. As it’s Saudi Arabia there will be no-one saying anything.

  2. I heard about this today and it is absolutely appaling. What is this world coming to. Why isn’t our government putting pressure and try and educate this half wit rich arabs on humanity, free speech, freedom and love.

  3. Its barbaric.

    50 lashes a week for 20 weeks?

    Christ, I you-tubed a vid last night on lashings and a guy who got 12 was cut to ribbens. After 50 it will be down to the bone. That would never heal in a week and then another 50? Ouch!!

    Its just disgusting. What do they give you for theft – 5000? Or murder – 20000? For a so called breach of “reporting rules” 1000 lashes seems well excessive. Mind you, they still treat women like shit and behead people in those parts so maybe I shouldn’t be too suprised.

    Thank god some Governments and agency’s like Amnesty are taking this up. Sadly I don’t think it will come to much given the West are well in with Saudi Arabia and they can therefore get away with human rights abuses. Lets face it, the USA has done it for years so why not S. Arabia? Nope, this will just be another poor bastard hung out to dry because Western nations have more important interests and won’r rock the boat.

    Its a disgusting scandle.

    I am shocked and I just hope there is enough publicity about this to put people off from holidaying there. I doubt anything else but a drop in tourist revenues will stop this appalling and OTT punishment.

    God knows the West will do bugger all.

  4. Disgusted. Signed petition right away. I have absolutely no qualms about you putting this on TameBay; you have done exactly the right thing.



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