Lengow and IgnitionOne have announced a partnership to improve your Google Shopping campaigns.
In spring 2014, Product Listing Ads (PLA) became Google Shopping Campaigns in Europe. In addition to the name change, there have been numerous technical improvements made to the channel, particularly with regards to the Merchant Center and AdWords.
Lengow integrates different features of the Google Shopping API within its feed management interface. Thus a user can setup feeds and/or modify, delete and update the status of all their products sold on Google Shopping directly from their Lengow account. An artificial intelligence, developed by Lengow, also analyses reports sent by the API and automatically corrects most errors, thus saving time.
IgnitionOne enables users to track, manage and optimise Shopping campaigns, as well as provide real-time actionable insights, thanks to its Digital Marketing Suite and Bid Management Search solution. Retailers can optimise Shopping and AdWords campaigns thanks to a predictive optimisation tool, which predicts the performance of campaigns in relation to objectives (CPA, ROI, CPC, engagement, etc), determines how aggressive bids should be and automates bidding.
IgnitionOne’s technology can be easily integrated into the merchant’s Lengow account, thus giving users the best of both solutions.
You can find out more about Lengow and IgnitionOne on their respective websites.