iZettle has launched the Card Reader Pro Contactless. The new reader adds support for contactless payments and works with Apple Pay out-of-the-box, allowing merchants to immediately accept payments using credit and debit cards saved on iPhones or Apple Watch.
The new hardware will gradually hit markets globally in the coming months and will retail for around £79, with price variations depending on markets. “The launch will make iZettle the first company of its kind to offer small businesses support for Apple Pay and contactless payments,” says Jacob de Geer, iZettle’s CEO and co-founder.
“Apple really nailed it with Apple Pay, both for the new Watch and the iPhone 6. Paying with Apple Pay is nothing short of an extraordinary user experience,” says de Geer. “Having tried Apple Pay, I’m convinced this service will spur a shift in payment behaviour away from plastic, and I can’t wait for Apple to roll out this service to markets outside of the U.S.”