Barnsley Council is now selling on eBay

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Barnsley Council is selling unwanted items on eBay. How are they doing?

You can check out their sales here.

And it’s not looking good. You doubtless have a few pointers.

We doubtless have an experienced eBay seller reading Tamebay who can rush to their aid and perhaps also turn a shilling too by helping them improve their listings. Obviously, they are just starting out, don’t have any feedback and will be having a hard time getting any prominence in eBay search with Best Match. But sad to say the listings need some work.

They need to work on the item titles, include more pictures, pen better descriptions and also offer more shipping options. Most of the Collect Only items they have listed could be shipped domestically using a 3-5 day courier like My Hermes. They should open up their market of potential buyers with a postal option. Very few things can’t be shipped these days for a competitive price.

But let’s not be too tough. It’s a good initiative and we wish them every success. But there’s work to be done if they want to really make a success of the endeavour. What would you suggest?


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