Just for fun: eBay homepage nostalgia

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Because today is eBay’s 20th Birthday I thought I’d share a screengrab of the eBay UK homepage from Christmas 2003. For some reason it has been loitering on my computer hard drive ever since. It’s just a bit of fun.

Isn’t it amazing how far the internet and eBay have developed in the past ten years or so? Especially in terms of design and usability. This just looks and feels so very old to me.

eBay Homepage 2003

10 Responses

  1. Wow, it looks like every generic php based online auction site that still claim to be the real alternative selling venue.

  2. good fun,

    however i’d actually still like the countries listed across bottom, i used to use that very regular in that design, to get some very rare items for my collecting interests.


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