eBay update Promotions Manager in time for Black Friday

No primary category set

eBay’s is getting an overhaul this week, with an improved setup for order size discount promotions. This is intended to make it much easier for first timers to get their promotions live.

Other offer types accessible from Promotions Manager remain unchanged – Codeless Coupons, Accessory Discounts and Sale Events.

If you’ve not used Promotions Manager before, it’s a tool which is free to eBay Shop subscribers. With the order size discount, you promote your entire eBay Shop, a category of items, or selected set of items with money off, a percentage off or free items per multiple item purchase (buy one get one free offers).

Importantly nothing will change regarding how promotions are displayed to buyers and if you already use Promotions Manager nothing will change for you. However if you’d like to try the new Promotions Manager a link will appear to the top of you page if you’d like to try the new version. You can switch between versions as many times as you like.

If you’ve never tried Prommotions Manager before, you can sign up and will be directed to the new version, however again if you don’t like it there will be a link to change back to the old version.

The new Promotions Manager is already live on eBay.com, so if you can’t see it yet you can view it by logging in to eBay.com.

In more good news, eBay are currently working on how to display promotions on mobile devices. We’ve only limited information on this so we’ll update you as soon as we hear more.

4 Responses

  1. It would have been great if eBay had managed to show the promotion in the search results like they’ve promised would be coming ‘soon’, but it seems this is still reserved for the selected few.


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