Codisto launches WooCommerce integration with eBay

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Codisto has launched a full eBay integration extension for WooCommerce today.

MarketPlace Connect gives 1 million WooCommerce users the ability to quickly & easily integrate their WooCommerce store fully with eBay. All product catalogue changes are reflected on eBay automatically and inventory is constantly in sync on both channels, updated by sales from either. Orders are automatically sent to WooCommerce for efficient processing, and shipping tracking and feedback are automatically left on eBay.

By offering time saving features such as product auto-categorization, image re-sizing and a fully responsive eBay sales template, MarketPlace Connect slashes eBay setup time for WooCommerce merchants. The clever ‘XpressGrid’ user interface design allows merchants to quickly manage eBay on an ongoing basis. Advanced features such as multi-account support, calculated freight functionality and custom attribute mapping satisfy the largest WooCommerce merchants.

Codisto CEO Jonathan Pollard says: “Releasing a WooCommerce version of MarketPlace Connect was an obvious choice for Codisto on the back of our hugely successful Magento release last year. Our extensions offer merchants a quantum leap reduction in the time, cost and effort to sell and manage eBay.”

WooCommerce XpressGrid

One Response

  1. Interesting! Will check out.
    I used woocommerce because it was cheapest solution as mostly free but been impressed with additional functionality from plugins.

    I use wp-lister plugin and it saves Sooo much time just uploading a listing to one place then dumping it to ebay.

    I do have to go into listing and add item specifics and do a few tweaks as I’ve not got in configured perfect but it is a massive time saver. And when ebay screws up or it expires I have it all saved.


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