eBay announce “Site issues now resolved”

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eBay have posted a note announcing that the . They say:

We understand that some of our customers experienced problems accessing parts of eBay.co.uk yesterday and over the weekend.
While the vast majority of customers were able to access the sites without issue, a series of separate problems with routing meant that some customers saw a timeout message when trying to perform certain actions. A separate issue with My eBay > Messages has also now been resolved.
We’d like to sincerely apologise to all eBay customers for any inconvenience they experienced.
We very much welcome feedback from customers affected by this and thank them for their patience over the weekend. If customers have any concerns related to this issue, please contact our customer service team.
The eBay Team

We’ve been monitoring DownDetector today and have seen a sharp downward trend in issues reported since yesterday evening. Are you now able to access all the parts of the eBay site that you need to?

Updated: Tuesday, 1st March, 2:30pm

We asked BT for a comment on the problems, they provided us with a statement:

“BT understands that some customers experienced issues accessing the eBay website over the weekend. We can confirm this was not a BT network issue but believe the problems experienced by customers are now being resolved by eBay.”

43 Responses

  1. It all seems to be working for me.

    It’s typical that they only make an announcement when fixed. It would be better however if they were to offer some comment or assistance when a problem is live, rather than the usual two fingers.

  2. Fixed? Well since 1.30pm i havent been able to log in. So no access to orders, messages etc etc. I was in the process of listing over 100 new lines so i guess that wont happen now either. Hmm… can’t access orders, more defects!
    It seems to be a regular thing now ebay breaking down. At the weekend i actually abandoned a ebay purchase and got it from amazon. If the break downs happen enough people simply wont bother and will chose a new first port of call as many already do.

  3. I can’t see any of the comments after mine on this or other threads.

    I guess you’re allowed to have site issues as I’m not paying you to use it!

    EDIT .. As soon as I posted this all the other comments appeared. Hope that helps.

  4. if your business or living depends on it dont ever rely on Ebay or Bt
    is the clear message we get

  5. A bit unfair on BT. Why did ebay work for me at the time of issues when using Firefox but not when using the Windows 10 browser. It could be a security issue as Windows is the more secure browser. It could be default security settings are lower with Firefox. It could be somebody in ebay was messing around with their security settings. Anything wrong with security will slow things down and narrow the data stream funnel. Throughout the whole of the troubled period the ebay API worked fine with my third party sales and listing manager which I use 99% of the time anyway. Who knows? Its all smoke and mirrors.

    But I would agree that diversification of and multiple sales channels is a must do for any seller wishing to reduce business risk.

  6. I have found eBay’s attitude throughout this to be patronising and rude. Asking buyers to ‘reach’ out to BT and thanks for ‘reaching’ out to us. Who actually speaks like that in the real world?

    A really worrying weekend for me that just adds to all the existing worry and stress that eBay causes us/me! We don’t get anywhere near as much hassle from customers using other channels but then we don’t get anywhere near as much business as we do from eBay from the other channels.

    It’s made me realise we really need be less reliant on eBay but how?

    We sell on Amazon but nowhere near as much as on eBay, we have our own site but again small sales compared to eBay.

    I keep getting told to invest the same as we pay in eBay fees in our own web shop but I am not sure if I am brave enough to throw £20k per month at our website, at least with eBay you only pay fees on what you sell.

    What’s other people’s thoughts?

    Is there really a viable, safe, worry free alternative?

  7. STILL CAN NOT UPLOAD PICTURES . Dont blame BT now ebay
    Sales have improved now though

  8. The fact that eBay goes down as an almost daily occurrence says that the smart money would back it being an eBay problem. eBay NEVER admit to an issue and ALWAYS blame lies elsewhere, the company is a shambles and quite frankly it will soon become evident that this outfit has a huge question mark hanging over its long term viability. Not even mentioning the odd manner in which orders arrive giving more than credible weight to the many thousands of sellers who believe sales are heavily manipulated through ‘visibility’ Windows.

  9. I’d be interested to hear how people’s sales have been affected by this, I’m confused because mine haven’t dipped at all.

  10. Not a myth is genuine from the forum post but if you don’t want to believe the post was genuine its up to you

  11. Terms, conditions, restrictions LIMIT call it waht you will ! of course they exist every retail business has them , though we dont think ebays are the sinister Malicious ones that are used as an excuse for poor sales

  12. Here is one scenario to provoke a few thoughts

    eBay have no control over the number of say new iPhone 6s phones sold in a month on eBay say the figure is for example 100,000 if left to a natural market one or two sellers would dominate the product sales very quickly by having the best rating and the best price and the most supplier buying power.

    If this happens other sellers would drop the lines and not bother selling the item as they don’t have the turnover and buying power to compete with the dominant sellers.

    By eBay restricting the visibility and number of phones each seller can sell by hiding their listings when they reach their hidden sales limit (this is not the same as the listing limits) eBay can spread the total number of phones sold across more sellers and by doing this this will get more listing fees and shop fees for the same total number of phones sold, the final value fees are fixed by the market of 1000,000 phones sold in the month regardless which or how many different sellers sell the 100.000 phones.

    Multiply this example by thousands of products and thousands of sellers and it makes eBay a lot more money than allowing the marked to be free to all sellers.

    eBay are restricting what sellers can sell regardless how many items the seller is allowed to list.

  13. I too have had a similar experience to Steve.

    I started selling on ebay as a hobby, it soon grew into a viable business, I packed in my regular job and concentrated on growing the business. It quickly grew, we now employ 10 staff and ship a lot of orders all around the word.

    Business is good but we too seem to have hit a barrier or ceiling on eBay, no matter what I do we cannot seem to get past this barrier.

    I use Terapeak and keep an eye on our competitors, we all seem to have the same value of weekly sales, one week we may do a few thousand more, the next week somebody else will do a few thousand more but we are all roughly the same. I always thought this was more than a coincidence.

    Some of our products have been listed for several years, have thousands of sales in the history, we are the cheapest and have 100% feedback, sometimes we come at the top of the search results and sometimes we are 20 or 30 down the list.

    I could never understand how this worked or what we were doing wrong, the invisible selling limits seem to make sense and explain it!

  14. ~
    Working on a few listings just now and eBay seems to be very slow and jerky. Hope it’s not about to go pete tong again.


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