CEO Devin Wenig talks about eBay’s future

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In this video, eBay CEO Devin Wenig talks about his strategy for eBay. He claims that he is actually striving to make eBay less like Amazon and next day delivery isn’t the be all and end all of ecommerce. He also talks about Artificial Intelligence and why eBay doesn’t take Apple Pay. He was speaking at the Recode conference in the US.

14 Responses

  1. Artificial Intelligence ??? You’re having a larf.

    Intelligence of any sort would be something on Ebay.

    Ebay is nothing like Amazon already.

    One of them is a forward-looking, growing, trend setting online commerce giant.

    The other isn’t.

    So after beating sellers up over fast and free – the fast bit doesn’t matter any more?? The c***ts!!!!

    As for Apple Pay, Ebay are desperately trying to devise their own payment service called Screwpay

    But they’ll have to wait until their tie in deal with paypal ends.

    Devin Wenig? He’s the guy you just passed trying to go in through the out door.

  2. After his ‘there is no fraud on eBay’ interview, I can’t be bothered to watch anything from this clown, surprised he’s still at liberty and not been collared by the white coats at the local asylum

  3. Surely anyone watching this video must have a very dull life with nothing better to do ?
    What’s the point in listening to vague generalities about what might happen in the future, when we really need to know exactly what rule changes are planned, so we can decide how they will impact upon our own individual ebay sales ?
    If next day delivery is not so important, are they going to scrap any kind of measure of a seller’s performance in that respect ?
    There could easily be another new CEO in a year, so by the time Wenig’s ideas translate into actual rule changes, we might be listening to yet another load of waffle from someone else getting paid too much money to screw up our lives.

  4. I liked this.

    It is not about eBay & seller relationships or changes – that was not the purpose of the conference – it was about strategy and forward looking.

    What I took from this is that eBay are working out ways to be doing my SEO. I take his point on the uniqueness of their breadth and depth of product. Looking at unique items (in terms of condition/type as well as quirky) and how eBay are looking to drive traffic to me as a seller.

    All I have to do is do my job, offer the right products and work within the stringent rules that apply on eBay. I don’t like it all the time – but I do have free choice not to sell on eBay.

    Last year we sold £4m on eBay and are on £24m lifetime sales, so we are not a part-time seller.

  5. I stopped listening after hearing Devon Wenig say that payment is the least of his worries at 8.36 What a joke! The USA shopping cart does not work on UK site & vice versa. Nobody overseas can buy from UK sellers & implement postage discounts. Why has eBay given us the option to implement overseas postage discounts when they are invisible to overseas customers unless they sign into & use the shopping basket? This means every item we sell is shown with a postage price & no hint whatsoever that we offer a postage discount for an extra item! Everyone thinks they have to pay postage for every item unless they log into the UK site which is really very very stupid…how many shoppers want to log into the UK site if they are in USA? 99% of them have no idea that this is the case because they would expect eBay to display our postage discounts ….but they don’t. It’s like eBay prefer to take a cut of the postage cost than promote more sales? I have tried to find a reason & have asked many eBay agents & they all agree it’s crazy to block postage discounts for overseas sales but this is what eBay is doing. eBay need to pay some decent programmers to fix this as it’s costing everyone…it is a complete & utter catastrophe & it makes my blood boil to hear that payment is the least of Devon Wenig’s worries while shareholders, buyers & sellers are losing out on more sales through reduced postage for multiple items. Nobody wants to pay postage per item so they don’t buy more than one item or they just dont buy overseas. If postage discount was displayed properly instead of all the other ads plastered all over eBay then overseas trade would thrive. Mr Wenig… PLEASE FIX THE SHOPPING CART PROBLEM OR DO SOMETHING TO SHOW OUR OVERSEAS CUSTOMERS THAT WE OFFER POSTAGE DISCOUNT ON MULTIPLE ITEMS!!!!! WHY YOU HAVE REFUSED TO EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE THIS IS A PROBLEM FOR OVER 5 YEARS?????

  6. I enjoyed this interview, and I think Devin makes his points well and comes across well. I like him and think he’s got as good a chance as anyone of turning eBay around. He’ rights that it’s a great business and good of him to push back on the doom-mongers and naysayers: this is one of the great e-commerce survivors and its a huge marketplace (duh – why are we all selling so much on there if it’s a failure).

    Sure it’s frustrating and annoying sometimes. And that creaking tech leaves us all a bit worried that the ship might not be sea-worthy — but if I were trying to build the biggest e-commerce business on the planet, I wouldn’t mind starting from what eBay has. And thank God someone is finally pointing out that chasing Amazon and coming second is a dumb plan.

    I hope the ship does what the captain tells it to do.

  7. I like him and a lot of what he says
    I like that he values unique items ,although he says used items are a small part of eBay which seems a bit conflicted, like they want to promote unique items but can’t necessarily afford to make that the focus

    I like the idea of curation, even if they have ripped it off pinterest Instagram etc etc but I have logged in and seen uniquely tailored items that interest me in the feed and I’ve bid on them

    It’s a shame we suffered too long under JD who flooded the site with warehouse and Chinese mega sellers all for short term gain. In my eyes sold ebays soul to make an Amazon copy. Structuring of data needs to happen but do feel it’s five years behind when it should have .

    I don’t fully understand the concept of AI where eBay is part of Facebook etc it’s good forward thinking but the worry is they don’t get the basics right as other sellers have pointed out. What’s the point in AI when people can’t view shipping and the other many niggly bugs that need fixing and eBay itself runs on aged technology.
    I wonder if they have to use PayPal? Seems a bit strange he’s not bothered about Apple pay as they could be missing out on sales by not embracing such things

  8. On 16th June, ebay still advertises that a promo ends on 31.05.16 !!
    If they cannot even sort out such a simple thing, what’s the point in us all listening to what a CEO tells us might happen at some point in the future ?
    On my main ebay uk front page, there are 3 advertising boxes filling the screen – the largest one often shows a lady with a wonderful afro hairstyle, advertising the ‘only pay when you sell’ promo, and giving the correct current dates. The smallest of the other 2 boxes regularly shows the words ‘only pay when you sell. offer ends 31.05.16’ – every now and then the date is the correct one of 30.06.16, but surely it isn’t difficult to ensure the old date is no longer displayed ?

  9. christ, he basically contradicts everything he says two minutes later.
    thats cringeworthy.
    the fear in his eyes when he’s asked anything other than the easiest of easy questions.

  10. we dont see any big change, or even any little change
    words and promises mean bugger all


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