New eBay Mobile App and Structured Data

No primary category set

New eBay App updates for iOS and Android include a new browse and comparison shopping experience that personalises the app to you. The latest version of the eBay will also show you products you recently viewed alongside similar products that may be of interest.

The app features browse and comparison experiences made possible by eBay’s structured data initiative. This is yet another reason to ensure that your products have Item Specifics and Product Identifiers specified, if not then your products won’t be surfaced highly on the eBay mobile app.

ebay-appNew eBay app key experiences

Browse Experience

Tapping “categories” from, the iOS header or Android homepage will take you to Browse pages with relevant and engaging content at any category level.

Product Based Shopping Experience

The most popular categories display the category’s best selling products. New product pages help users choose from eBay’s diverse choice of inventory, everything from the latest model right off the shelf to previous generations.

Personalized content on the home screen

The eBay app now helps you pick up where you left off directly on the home screen. Browse deals and best selling products based on your recent activity.

Ratings and Reviews

Want an unbiased opinion about the product that you are looking to buying? Check out the user reviews that are straight from the eBay community to make sure the item is perfect for you.

5 Responses

  1. I may be wrong but this reads like an advertising feature that you see in the newpapers sometimes?!!

  2. 61% apparently agree with the ‘small form factor’????

    That has helped me endlessly – I would never consider purchasing a mobile device with poor ‘small form factor’.
    The world (especially Ebay) is run by idiots!

  3. Let’s be honest the Ebay App is a joke. Quite often it leaves out important info whether in the specs or not. You pay good money for subtitles which often have important info in… yet the app doesnt show these ( will i get a cost reduction?) The descriptions are just a selection of bits that ebay feel are the most important…. yet they tell you to add as much info as possible? Some of my listings have quite a bit of important and relevelent detail, especially when a product is completely new or fairly unknown…. but hell lets not worry about that, after all when its not quite as the customer expected as they only go a bit of the into, they can send it back and cost the seller…
    win win for ebay


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