It does seem like a fairly obvious development from Amazon. Weddings are big business and so now you can offer your guests the opportunity to buy your gifts on Amazon as they offer a Wedding List service. Or Wedding Registry, as they call it Stateside.
It might be a bit late for the 2017 summer wedding schedule but Amazon is well placed to offer an efficient and well-priced wedding list service for loved-up couples. Check out the landing page here. The product scope is huge and they can deliver the goods effectively and swiftly too.
And like with other services, as the marrying couple, you can personalise the service with images of you as a couple and offer other messages and things. And they’re offering some other incentives. There’s 10% for qualifying wedding lists and that then comes in at 20% for Prime members.
Several other aspects of the scheme are also attractive. Shoppers can also plug into Amazon finance for gifts and there are also bonus, free gifts available.
As it stands at the moment, as far as we can see, this applies only to US users on and is available in the US purely. But doubtless it will come to Europe soon.
Would you host your wedding list with Amazon?