IdeaFactorie Template Creator for eBay

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I’m very much of the opinion that managing a template for your eBay listings is hard work these days, especially with the demise of Turbolister*.

The problem with Templates is that when you come to edit a listing you end up with a mass of HTML to pick through. Editing in a visual WYSIWYG view can sometimes inadvertently delete part of your template. Editing in an HTML view means that even with a rudimentary understanding of HTML you’ve got reams of code to pick through to find the few lines of text that you wish to edit.

Now some clever guys at IdeaFactorie have come up with a simple solution to handle templates and apply them to your eBay listings. Essentially the way the IdeaFactorie Template Creator works is that it stores your template separately in your profile. You add your template, fill in your listing data, export your file and upload to eBay.

You can use any template you like – you simply insert placeholders for things like the Title, Price and Description and then once you’ve applied your template, IdeaFactorie Template Creator spits out an eBay File Exchange file ready to upload to eBay. Uploading to eBay edits your listings with the template you’ve applied in IdeaFactorie.

Best of all, IdeaFactorie Template Creator is free to use. No sign up fee, no monthly cost although if you like the service you can make an optional donation towards the upkeep. Design or buy your own template an you can use IdeaFactorie Template Creator to apply it to your eBay listings with nothing to pay.

*TurboLister is still available for use for those that already have it installed, but is no longer available for download for new users and will be discontinued entirely at some point in the near future.



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