It looks like Etsy is really keen to optimise the search experience for buyers. Having recently abandoned a test to include prices including prices in search (we wrote about that here: Etsy ends ‘shipping in search’ experiment) after only a few days. Now they a looking at other features that they hope will entice more shoppers to click on items and convert from browsers to buyers.
You can find out more in the official announcement here: Testing new ways to let shoppers know what’s popular on Etsy.
But what are the changes under review?
Telling Etsy buyers when an item is almost out of stock
It’s all about prompting a buyer to get on and click. This new feature will alert buyers in search that an item is in demand. They say: “For listings with an item quantity of three or less, shoppers will see the information “3 left in stock,” “2 left in stock,” or “1 left in stock” as the items sell. The text will not display on one-of-a-kind or made-to-order listings. During this experiment, we’ll be showing this information to a percentage of all shoppers.” It’s not said how big a percentage.
Highlighting best-selling items in Etsy search
In search sellers will see an icon alongside items that are the best selling that match their search criteria. So if you have the most popular “fingerless gloves”, they’ll let you know what’s popular.
Etsy Best-seller badge
This mark will alert shoppers that they’ve found a top item that buyers love and is the best seller in a certain category.
Let us know what you make of these experiments in search. It seems that Etsy is being remarkably bullish about reforming their marketplace after a turbulent few months. Investors have been unhappy with their recent lack lustre performance and the share price has taken a battering. And, don’t forget, they’ve had a change at the top table too. Will such innovations be enough to transform the marketplace’s fortunes?