eBay pricing promo: final value fees capped at £1 for eligible private sellers

No primary category set

It looks like there’s another eBay pricing promo is in the offing and this one is for UK private sellers as per usual. The offer is by invitation only.

Under the terms they say: “Create up to 100 listing(s) on eBay.co.uk in an eligible category, starting during the promotion period, using the auction-style or fixed price format, and pay a maximum of £1 in final value fees per listing if they sell.Before your 100 listings start, you need to have actively opted in to the promotion via the RSVP link shown in the marketing communication. You won’t pay an insertion fee for each of the 100 listings. Listing upgrade fees will still apply and will be charged according to the eBay fees policy.”

It’s canny timing for an eBay pricing promo. They obviously want to see a boost to both listings and revenues as they enter that critical fourth quarter. You can find a link to the eBay Terms and Conditions here.

Who is eligible for the eBay pricing promo?

“eBay.co.uk registered private sellers who have been invited to participate and have actively opted in to the promotion via the RSVP link shown in the marketing communication. Participation is linked to the seller’s account and is not transferable. Sellers must be registered as a resident in the UK.”

52 Responses

  1. I suppose our business fees rising by an indeterminate amount will subsidize this again.

    Im getting sick to the back teeth of ebay trying to induce private sellers to sell more , but putting ever larger hurdles in the way of businesses meaning they sell less .

    If they thought as much of us as they do of Joe soap , they wouldnt need this type of nonsense in the first place
    Sellers buy too , and the more I sell, the more chance I’ll buy other stuff .

    Just do what you are supposed to do.
    let me do what I’m supposed to

    The last thing we need is a new influx of sellers that dont know the rules

  2. Honestly what is the point in being a business seller and paying shop fees when it’s basically free for individuals to use the site

    As a sole trader I’d be better off leaving and just using various private accounts

  3. This is the third time they have rolled out this promo in 7 weeks. This is unheard of in such a short space of time. Maybe amateur sellers are missing the promos due to the new selling hub. I have never figured out why eBay don’t email their promotions.

    Whatever happened to the 50,000 free listing for business sellers?

    Currently you get 100 free listings a day if you are not registered as a business. Plus 20 listings a month & a 20p selling fee if you sell something. That’s up to 3,020 FREE listings a month for private sellers while business sellers are paying £82.79 a month for 1500 listings plus an 8-10% selling fee.

    What became of eBay’s “level playing field”

  4. I think Ebay are desperate for more money.

    They deliberately make their accounting obfuscated to hide their greed.

    Has anyone looked at their fees compared to 12 months ago. My featured shop has seen my fees increase (like for like) from last October 8.33% this October 10.55%

    I have examined my invoices in great details and cannot identify where these increases have been added.

    Even the invoice totals don’t add up and there is no information where they get the figures from

    Insertion fees
    Advanced listing upgrade fees
    Final value fees
    Subscription and one time fees
    Postage fees
    Discounts and credits

  5. They are having a crack down on any businesses who give contact details in messages yet keep giving free listings and low final value fees away. There are countless sellers who sell similar stock to myself who are registered as private sellers so pay very little in the way of fees to ebay yet clearly run a business.

  6. So many Ebay haters on here. I feel sorry for Ebay sometimes. Even when they offer free stuff or run a promotion they are barraged by negative comments.

    Really…………look at the comments above. Its a promotion guys …… its a positive thing!

    If you put the same amount of energy into developing your business on Ebay rather than complaining about everything……… and I mean everything………

  7. Hi Alan,

    I read your positive Tamebay comments about how great ebay is with interest.

    I don’t agree with any of them, you see as an eBay seller with over 60000 positive feedbacks, they treat us like crap, and hide our listings.

    Best Match – As an example, we sell a certain type of hat, we have the second cheapest price of this item by £0.05,

    we offer eBay Premium Service
    we are TRS
    we offer Argos Click and Collect

    but when searching for the item using its name, our hat is the 40th down the list using eBay’s default Best Match.

    Searching using lowest price puts us second in the list.

    Of the 39 sellers above us in the list some are not TRS, they don’t offer eBay Premium Service, are dearer that us on price and have never sold any of the item, yet they’re higher up the page.

    Contacting CS about this is a complete waste of time, tried it several times and they reply with their standard responses and don’t want to know.

    And that is why I despise eBay.

  8. #Dave I feel your pain brother. Exactly the same here, we pump tens of thousands of pounds a year into eBay coffers yet receive next to no customer support at all.
    What hurts even more is that a friend who has a private account with less than 30 feedback, has recently received an offer of eBay concierge support- and he isn’t even a business!!! He hasn’t either ever sold anything on eBay!!!
    What a farce, you couldn’t make it up.

  9. @Alan, that’s the thing my friend,,, you completely miss the point. Concierge…… Why feel the need to differentiate between your customers,,,,, some getting superb customer service whilst others get close to none?
    I treat my customers all the same with great service and personal attention to detail,,,,, I don’t feel the need to dump some of them to a remote call centre in Manilla.
    Do you run a two tier customer service centre in your business?
    We don’t.

  10. @alan paterson needs me to spell it out to him.

    Yes, I love eBay… the way it LOOKS, the way it is LAID OUT, the way I can search for an item, and select the criteria that matters to me. WATCH an item, check details, check the history of another bidder B4 I get involved in an auction with that person, contact a seller etc…etc…etc, do you get it now, ? it’s a rhetorical question.

    Love eBay, hate the way it is run, by muppets just like you I suspect. Still, you DO make me laugh.

  11. This bollocks about fees and how much is paid into eBay’s coffers
    Bemuses me
    Is a service that is used to make money
    if your not making money your crackers ,your giving eBay money
    So you can whinge and Moan

  12. There are many great things going on with ebay like GSP, Click and Collect is ok when the buyer picks things up. There are also many things that could be better.

    Search results, where your listing ranks is different for different people when they are looking. I have spoken to ebay customer support about where listing rank and when searching on google chrome they come up in one place and when speaking to customer support who uses the exact same search they come up in a different place.

    If you get through to Manila, I just tend to say I want to speak to the Ireland customer support centre and hang up and try again till I get through to them as even if they don’t give you the answer you want they are much more understanding and helpful instead of repeating every question back to you and still don’t understand it.

    They don’t treat sellers the same way they expect sellers to treat their customers.

  13. for many years unless it was a cataclysmic problem
    we never ever contacted customer support ,it was just not good for our blood pressure,
    though now we have nothing but praise for the concierge service its that good
    were astounded ebay dont charge extra for it,
    maybe this is why we have the concierge
    we do our job and get on with it ,
    we only contact ebay unless we really really really with extra really have to

  14. @Alan Paterson
    I understand entirely Alan- without concierge you would still be defending.
    The salient point being that without concierge, you stand a substantial chance of not having a chance to defend at all. The nonsense, outright disgraceful and to a point of comical “advice” we have received from custard support over the years is frankly shameful.

  15. @alan paterson is now under the impression I suffer from a split personality 🙂
    alan paterson is also under the impression I’m trying to “undermine” him, by suggesting he works for eBay? 🙂

    Alan paterson simply doesn’t listen, OR only hears what alan paterson want’s to hear me thinks.
    Alan paterson “dares me” to Say something nice about eBay?. Say something nice about eBay?. You idiot, eBay is NOT the problem, it’s the people who currently run it who are the problem, BTW it’s never crossed my mind that you work for eBay, however it did/has rapidly crossed my mind that you may be a complete dick.

  16. While everyone on here is busily bickerring about how terrible ebay have become with fee gouging, seller support and the likes etc, etc, etc…., just remember that it is WE the SELLERS that have the upper hand. WE are the ones who have the complete power to move our business elsewhere if unhappy or are paying too much in fees, or having our accounts suspended for having a buyer coming over to try on a pair of shoes/garment before purchase without buying first- they call that outsider trading.
    I personally have started to move my items over to ” ebid.net”. Yes the sales are a tad slower but if we all pack up and move on to a nicer + honest climate/environment then WE would all be better off. Besides, I personally think that this is the demise and slow death to ebay- they’ve gotten way too cocky + greedy and will pay for that dearly!

  17. Oh, and just check out all of the terrible negative ebay reviews online-there are squillions of them mostly from disgruntled sellers who are now being ripped off by those dodgy buyers who endlessly take out action with ebay/paypal to get a refund. I too have been ripped off several times. I sell gr8 quality clothing and lately have had a lot complain that I sent them an old rag that I wiped my ass with, pretty crappy but they are now rife on ebay. So I am out of there…….For good………..

  18. @ removaldog , i have to agree with Alan Patterson. You rant about how you hate ebay then claim you love it. I have been reading this thread with a lot of humour and interest. Your posts are contradictory. I did see you attack him on another thread when you accused him of being an ebay moderator just because you didn’t agree with his opinion. You say that it has never crossed your mind that he works for ebay. Well, that’s just a complete lie cos in another post you done exactly that . I think that is what Patterson has picked up on. You are inconsistent.

  19. @The Bonsai Lady
    @alan paterson
    @Ross K

    ebid.net?, it’s good to have options, so many thanks to The Bonsai Lady.

    Alan only seems to understands what alan want’s to understand…TRUly alan is a dick, but TBF he’s an amusing dick, and certainly not somebody I’d take seriously. If Ross k feels the need to agree with alan, well…it’s a free country.

    Alan seems unable (or unwilling, as does Ross k) to accept that…

    I (me personally) love the way eBay is laid out, the way it (the web site) functions, and the way we are able to search for what we want, and are able to enter our own requirements, our “filters”. Is THAT positive enough or “NICE” enough for you alan?.

    I HATE to way it’s RUN…the dishonest way it’s run, and how we as BOTH seller & buyer alike are screwed over by eBay, as and when it suits them.

    ROSS K, perhaps you would be good enough to highlight my “rant”? cut n paste it if you can manage it. Oh and BTW I recall I made a comment about alan SOUNDING like an eBay moderator, with a comment he made about “going off topic”? I may have even made a joke of it, but to call me a liar?. Well, we are all entitled to our opinions, and my opinion is that alan is a dick, and that perhaps you’re no better.

  20. Well Mr Alan, I have been on ‘ebid.net’ for just under a week and made my first sale yesterday! Joy! Anyhow, what were you selling when on ebid? Any business takes time to build and a heap of people I know have exported all of their goods over to ebid and have had no complaints. I truly believe they will be as big as ebay and are the best alternative out there in cyberland- so give em a go peoples and good luck too!

  21. The Bonsai Lady, the context of your message makes it sound as you are doing this for some extra cash. Nothing wrong with that. But I am doing this as a livelihood – I have bits to pay, business bills – staff, rent, utilities. I need to sell over £10,000 per week just to pay the bills (isn’t it exciting !) . I need a bit more “results” than what you are describing. I know if I spent by time on Ebay doing more listings and “tweaking” – I know I would get those results. We need to spend our time sensibly on the platform that is giving the best return. That platform is Ebay.

    You maybe missed my previous post when I said I had already listed items on ebid and I am yet to make any sales. There is no evidence that ebid is catching nor will ever catch Ebay.

  22. @alan paterson
    I don’t think Ross k needs you to defend him, BTW did I CALL you a Mod?, not that I care…just mildly curious.

    Challenge him (Ross)?, christ you’re boring.

  23. If ebay is so bad then those sellers will be switching to other platforms? How about those who dislike Amazon moving to ebay and those who dislike Ebay moving to Amazon?

    Pretty much every site I have looked at for 3rd party selling has people moaning. If everything written about them was taken at face value then every site is bad for sellers and every site causes problems.
    The reality can be different for other sellers.

  24. And now uk account keeps getting diverted to the US .com site with message “Something went wrong. We’re sorry”

    Yet another glitch! – seems like they know its problem from downdetector reports


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