Marketplaces 2018: a Tamebay series for January

Over the course of January, we’ll be publishing a series of articles billed as Marketplaces 2018. The premise is simple. There’s more to the world of marketplaces than eBay and Amazon and we want to explore some of the various options out there to help you develop your business.

Whatever you sell, the chances are that there is another channel or avenue for you to sell through. It could be a new outlet or a new geography, but it’s clear the marketplace environment is developing and diversifying.

The future of marketplaces will likely be one where Amazon dominates, but there is also space for specialised and tapered offerings honed to the needs of specific sales areas. It could be dedicated venues for selling Lego or a specialist website where you can trade food for your pet reptiles, the scope is infinite.

So that’s what we want to explore during January. The idea is to profile different marketplaces available to European marketplace sellers and hopefully inspire you to expand your selling horizons. There is extraordinary choice out there and keeping track of them is sometimes a bewildering journey.

The good news is, and here’s where you come in, is that we want to write about marketplaces that you would like to read about. We’ve got plenty of ideas but do let us know which of the hundreds of available marketplaces you’d like to know more about. We will be writing about one marketplace each day for the whole month, so there’s plenty of scope. So please do let us know what you’d like to read about. Either leave a comment or drop me a note: [email protected].

And don’t forget that we’ve already got stacks on information on marketplaces available in the Tamebay Guide.



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