If you’ve not heard the term ‘mobile triage’, it’s the practice of checking your emails on your mobile and deleting junk prior to reading the emails that matter to you on a desktop when you’re back at your desk. Reading emails on mobile has exceeded 40% and by the end of 2018 it’s likely that over half of recipients will first read you email on a mobile if it’s not already their primary email device and that’s why generating a compelling marketing email inbox preview is crucial to your business.
What is an email inbox preview
An inbox preview comprises of your name, the subject (which may be truncated) and the first line of your email copy. this is what will convince a consumer to open your email or alternatively prompt them to delete it unread.
Creating a compelling marketing email inbox preview
Now that you know what consumers will see when they receive your email, the next step it to entice them to open it. There’s no point having a fantastic subject if half of it is cut off when it’s truncated on a mobile screen and, more so then ever before, your first line of your copy needs to grab their attention and get straight to the point. If you can, include the customer name in either the subject line or the copy – you can do this with most email marketing platforms.
Make sure that your offer and content match and reinforces the subject line and focus on WIIFM (What’s in it for me?). For instance in the attached image, 123 Reg have a strong call to action with “Chris, activate your free domain name!” followed by reinforcement in the copy.
Check the preview
Most email marketing programs will have a preview facility and should also offer a mobile preview, which in today’s world of smartphones is the critcal view. If you’re using a program without a mobile preview then Exit Intelligence have a free tool to show you what your email inbox preview will look like.