Each week we are releasing a new position paper, aiming to capture different news which crosses multiple marketplaces and channels and collate the news on the different subjects, to make it easier for you to find when it’s of interest.
This week we turn our focus to Regulation and look at the legal requirements that you’ll face when running a marketplace business.
Ecommerce may occur online but it is subject to the laws of the land just like any business. And once you start buyings goods to sell, you’re running a business and have responsibilities and obligations distinct from an individual selling a few items casually on an online marketplace. In the Tamebay Regulation Position Paper, we break down your obligations into three sections: Generic business regulation that would be applicable to any UK business operator; Regulations applicable to an ecommerce merchant trading domestically; and an overview of the regulation to consider when trading internationally
You can read our Position Paper on Regulation online or download for free to read offline.
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You can download any of the Tamebay Position Papers for offline reading for free. Simply click the links below to download.
Artificial Intelligence |
Virtual Assistants |
Marketplace Fulfilment |
Marketplaces |
Moblile |
Search |
International Selling |
Packaging |
Regulation |
If there’s a subject that we’ve not yet covered, let us know what you’d like to read and we’ll add it to our list.