Flikart have launched a new platform in India, dedicated to refurbished goods. 2GUD is currently only available on mobile although a desktop version of the site is coming soon. Available are Mobiles, Laptops, Tablets, Smart Watches and Accessories with a streaming media service tacked on the side.
The USP is that all products are certified and graded based on their physical condition and signs of usage with a ”GUD gyaan” guarantee. Every product goes through about 47 checks and is sold in five grades based on their condition: Like New; Superb; Very Good; Good; Okay. Products come with a three to twelve month warranty and easy 10 day returns.
Flipkart have confirmed that at some point 2GUD will be opened up to third party sellers specifically those who used to sell on eBay India.
Dear Sellers,
As you are aware, we launched a new shopping destination – www.2GUD.com. However, as informed earlier, it will take few months for sellers to sell on www.2GUD.com. We will share more information with you once the platform is open for seller registration.
– Flipkart
What they haven’t said is when this might happen, whether it will be for new or (more likely) 2nd hand products and if products will be covered under the Gud gyaan guarantee.
The problem for sellers who used to sell on eBay India is what do they do in the mean time. There is Flipkart and Amazon as the two largest marketplaces in India, but neither of these sites is ideal for 2nd hand products and neither is going to attract overseas buyers to local artisan products. There’s a hole in the marketplace industry in India and sellers are waiting for either eBay to launch their promised eBay India replacement which will focus on cross border trade or 2GUD to open up to third party merchants for second hand goods to be sold locally.