A senior eBay executive called Scott Cutler has spoken about how the past weekend performed for them with specific reference to Black Friday and Cyber Monday. You can watch the video below.
We’re different than other retailers in that we don’t own the inventory, which means we’re not purchasing that inventory and having to drive that inventory off our shelves. So as a marketplace, we’re able to take advantage of great deals that our sellers are offering and get those out to our consumers, so we’re not taking inventory risk like other retailers are. We’re really trying to find what people are shopping for, and then be able to go out there and get great product to deliver that to the consumer.
– Scott Cutler, senior vice president of Americas, eBay
Speaking with specific reference to Cyber Monday in particular, Scott Cutler expects that (unsurprisingly) the sales event day will be one of the busiest shopping days on eBay in 2018. He says that in terms of online sales, eBay will sell more in online transactions than Walmart and Macy’s and Best Buy combined on the day. He also pays tribute to the army of eBay sellers around the world who make that happen. He notes that speed of despatch and fulfilment is also of huge importance to shoppers and he expects eBay can meet expectations there.
Of the selection, he says that eBay had 150,000 Cyber Monday deals on the marketplace. Apparently Cutler said shoes, laptops, MacBooks Air and Nintendo Switch are selling most frequently and every few seconds.