We have put together a 2019 retail calendar for key retail dates in the industry to help merchants take advantage of holidays and key retail events throughout the year.
- March 7th Tamebay Brunch Roundtable
- 12th March Tamebay Webinar: Sell more with marketplace paid search
- 14th March Retail Without Borders
- 19th April Friday Good Friday
- 3rd-4th April InternetRetailing Expo
- 3rd-4th April eDelivery Expo
- 9th April Ecommerce Expo Ireland
- 22nd April Monday Easter Monday
- 23rd April St George’s Day
- 1st-2nd May RBTE
- 6th May Monday Early May bank holiday
- 15th May ChannelAdvisor Connect
- 15th-16th May The British Business Show
- 27th May Monday Spring bank holiday
- 5th June Customer Engagement Conference
- 13th June The Ecommerce Cup 2019 (Tamebay)
- 9th July eTailing Summit
- 26th August Monday Summer bank holiday
- 25th-26th September Ecommerce Expo
- 1st October Linn Academy
- 8th October Retail HR Summit
- 16th October AI in Retail Conference
- 31st October Halloween
- 5th November Bonfire Night
- 29th November Black Friday
- 2nd December Cyber Monday
- 9th December Green Monday
- 18th December National Free Shipping Day
- 25th December Wednesday Christmas Day
- 26th December Thursday Boxing Day
We will be adding more retail events to this calendar. Let us know if you hear of other events that would be of interest for retailers.