At the Magento Imagine conference, Adobe announced two new services to assist online merchants extend their reach. The Magento Google Shopping ads Channel and the Magento Amazon Sales Channel extension (read more here). Adobe say that these integrated capabilities empower small and mid-market businesses to better orchestrate the end-to-end experiences they deliver to customers across channels.
The Magento Shopping ads Channel is available for Magento Commerce and Magento Open Source 2.2.4 and later via a free extension in the Magento Marketplace.
Magento Google Shopping ads Channel
With the new Google Shopping ads Channel, merchants can seamlessly connect their Magento store with both the Google Merchant Center and Google Ads to easily and efficiently power their marketing and simplify campaign management from their Magento admin. Once connected through Google Shopping ads Channel, all advertising functions across the Google network are built, maintained and supported by Magento, bringing expanded functionality and efficient advertising to merchants with just a few clicks.
Magento Google Shopping ads Channel key features
Native Integration
Manage your Google advertising through the ease and familiarity of your store’s Magento admin dashboard. You won’t have another platform to manage, saving you time and money. Instead, Magento is the single source of truth for all of your eCommerce activities.
All-In-One Solution
Manage both Google Merchant Center and Google Ads in one end-to-end solution to achieve your advertising goals. Through the Magento admin you can create your Google Merchant Center account and automatically claim and verify your website, set up shipping and tax rules, conform your Magento catalog to Google’s requirements, and modify configurations at any time with automatic updates to Google.
Create your Google Ads account and start advertising with Google Smart Shopping campaigns with a few clicks
Modify your budget and products you are advertising at any time for ultimate flexibility. Review campaign performance with intuitive reports to ensure you are getting maximum ROI.
Smart Shopping Campaigns
Use Google’s newest campaign subtype that uses machine learning to simplify management, maximize conversion value and expand your reach. Through the Magento admin dashboard, you can easily create Google Smart Shopping campaigns, where you only need to set a daily budget, and then let Google’s machine learning do the rest. Google will optimize the campaign for the highest conversion value by automatically choosing which products to advertise, how much to bid, who to target, and which ad creative to show. You can track the performance of your campaigns at the campaign and account level within Google Shopping ads Channel and also use Magento Business Intelligence for more robust, visual reporting.
Simple Onboarding and Auto-Sync Maintenance
By using your Magento configurations and product catalog, onboarding and ongoing maintenance are streamlined and simplified. As your business and eCommerce store changes, Magento stays in sync with Google so you never have to worry about advertising out-of-stock products or inaccurate product pricing.