To add additional protection to your eBay account, eBay 2-Step Verification can send a text message or notification through the eBay app to use alongside your eBay User Name and Password.
- Log into eBay and click on ‘My eBay’
You’ll find the My eBay link at the top of the screen on the right hand side.
- Click on ‘Account’
You’ll see three tabs – ‘Activity’, ‘Messages’, and ‘Account’. Click on the Account tab
- Click on ‘Personal Information’
Under ‘Personal information and Privacy’ which is at the top of the page, click on ‘Personal Information’.
- Click on 2-Step Verification
Scroll towards the bottom of the page to the ‘Security Information’ section and click ‘Edit’.
- You’ll need to log into eBay again, even though you were already logged in
Sign into eBay with your normal eBay User Name and Password
- Choose your method of eBay 2-Step Verification
You can now turn on your preferred method of eBay 2-Step Verification – either notifications via the eBay app or text messages
- Confirm eBay 2-Step Verification
That’s it, you’ll get one text message to confirm use of eBay 2-Step verification and you’re done. From now on when you log into eBay you’ll be using eBay 2-Step verification and the only way someone can get into your account is if they’re logged into the eBay app using your credentials or have access to your mobile text messages….
- Bypass eBay 2-Step Verification via email
…. or maybe not. Should you be outside mobile coverage, it is possible to request the code via email. This will be especially useful if you have multiple people who need access to your eBay account as they won’t have your mobile but you can grant them access to the email account associated with your eBay ID. This is the best solution for those businesses who want to secure their eBay account but need to grant multiple employees access. Bear in mind however, anyone who has access to your email account will be able to log into your eBay account.
To get eBay 2-Step Verification via email, click the ‘Need help signing in’ link and you can then request eBay to send you an email to verify your ID.
- Click ‘Confirm’ in the email
As soon as you click ‘Confirm’ in the email, you’ll be logged into eBay with a confirmation message in your browser.
8 Responses
Does it actually work properly now?
Does it let you use it on more than one device? We have multiple members of staff that need it.
How do people manage the 2 step authentication if you have multiple people working on your eBay store? As far as I know, you can only use one instance of the App so would need to request a text but can only add one number so it is limited, unlike the google authenticator. if I am wrong please advise.
Hi, Chris re the Multi-channel Management tools. Can you elaborate on that a bit more? Also is there a way you have come across to export all your listings to include the Paypal Email address on each listing. This would be another way to check if your listings have been hijacked.
Ah ok sorry, I thought there was something eBay brought out that was all singing and all dancing. Crossed Wires. We use Linnworks which is good but to be 100% certain you need to pull direct from eBay as you can never be 100% confident with Third-party providers and we have worked with a few.
It would be good if you are able to source an export of all active listings that includes the Paypal address associated with the listing. If an account is hacked it would not take a great deal of coding knowledge to change the Paypal address on the listing even with Business policies in place.
Sorry, one last bit the File Exchange does not include the Paypal address from what I can see.
Thanks for this information. Hopefully ebay will bring user management to the UK and beyond in the near future.