Our Delivery in a Post Brexit World webinar from Wednesday is now available to watch again. The webinar looks at the current state of Brexit, what could happen on the 31st of January 2020, through the year to what could happen on the 31st of December as 2021 begins and any transition deal with the EU expires.
The webinar took an indepth look at Delivery in a Post Brexit World including:
- What could change with delivery and returns to EU customers?
- What could change with delivery and returns to Northern Ireland customers?
- What could go wrong?
- What could change with importing stock from EU suppliers?
- What could change with shipping to Northern Ireland?
- What are the key learnings so far?
We would like to thank Bobbie Ttooulis, Group Marketing Director at GFS for sharing her knowledge and expertise as well as presenting the webinar.
We have made the slides available for you to download here. At the end of the webinar slides you’ll find links to useful resources you can download as well as a link to book a Free Brexit health check with an expert from GFS.
You can re-watch the webinar in the video below or by clicking here to view it on YouTube.
2 Responses
Worst case scenario, we leave I must write 10 extra customs slips, royal mail will find an excuse to raise prices and Tamebay stay on their Remainer perch.
One of my top selling lines, manufactured in Hungary/Germany my UK distributor & I sell globally but the real Irony most of our sales out side of the UK are back into the EU.
nothing much will change Eu&
hm gov will do a deal , with tweaks and minor alterations
Armageddon will not happen
the French and Germans will Still be French and German ,
we will still be on an island that need to import and export to survive