eBay.com extend Seller Performance Account protections in the US

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eBay.com have extended Seller Performance Account protections, first announced in March, right through to the end of July for US sellers. Recognising the challenges for eBay sellers and especially that they may be forced to despatch later than normal and, even if they can despatch on time, carriers may take longer than normal to delivery a parcel they want to protect the seller status that you’ve earned. They also recognise that you may have supply chain issues, or be sick, and be forced to cancel orders and again don’t want this to impact your business.

eBay’s attitude throughout the pandemic has been that if you’ve proved through your past performance that you’ve earned your status that they don’t think it fair for a pandemic to impact you and that’s why the Seller Performance Account protections have been introduced and it’s right that they extend them, currently in the US, to ensure that your business isn’t killed through no fault of your own.

“We know that COVID-19 continues to create unprecedented challenges for many eBay sellers, and our thoughts go out to all those affected.
eBay realizes that flexibility in business operations is essential right now. We want to reassure you that you will not be penalized for being unable to carry out usual operations. We understand there may be situations where you can’t get an item out the door as fast as normal or you have to unexpectedly cancel an order. So in supporting your needs, your Seller Performance Standards will not be negatively impacted during this period.
Your account will be protected from being downgraded from the March 20th seller performance standard evaluation through July 19th.
For example, if you were a Top Rated Seller on February 20th and your performance over the next evaluation period would have moved you down to Above Standard, you will now automatically retain your Top Rated status. If you were Above Standard on February 20th and your performance over this period would have moved you to Below Standard, you will now automatically remain Above Standard.
T hat said, if your performance improves your status over any evaluation period, you will still move up as expected.

As always, it’s important that we deliver the best possible buyer experience. Please make sure you continue to deliver a great product aligned to your buyer’s expectations. If you’re not able to fulfill orders at any time, please let potential buyers know by putting your store in vacation mode.
We are committed to helping you navigate this constantly changing situation and please continue to check back on the Community for further updates.
Stay safe, and thank you for selling on eBay.”

– eBay

One Response

  1. I hope eBay UK will do the same. I still think even July isn’t long enough leeway to get all the current defects off our accounts.


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