Royal Mail telephone support will be temporarily augmented with chat from Monday the 4th of May.
There are fewer Royal Mail staff available to take your service calls but they say that they are still here to help and support you – though this may be in different ways from usual. This applies to some of Royal Mail’s business customer helplines which will now have access to Live Chat. These cover what Royal Mail refer to as ‘Service Model’ lines that support certain groups of customers, many of whom are account managed or already use Royal Mail’s online tools and email for access to help.
“From Monday 4 May, we will temporarily close our telephone helpline and will replace this with Live Chat functionality. This means you can continue to ‘chat’ with us to access service support between 08:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday. You can find a direct Live Chat link below, along with a reminder of other online help.”
– Royal Mail
Many companies are having to change how they work and Royal Mail are no exception. With social distancing and the requirement to work from home where ever possible, for some companies it’s a lot easier to set staff up with access to chat services then it is to set up telephone lines at home. Royal Mail haven’t shared exactly how their staff will be working, but as the pressure from staff taking leave to isolate, it’s good to see them putting steps in place to ensure support will continue. Chat might not be quite the same as telephone support, but if you have a problem with your account, rest assured you will be able to get through to someone that can assist you.
Royal Mail Telephone support replacements
Business Help Centre
While Royal Mail Telephone support is temporarily suspended, their online help centre, is available 24/7/365.
Tracking Items with Royal Mail
You can continue to check the status and progress of your items at
Stay up-to-date with Royal Mail at
Chat with Royal Mail
While Royal Mail Telephone support is temporarily suspended you can chat live with Royal Mail business support from Monday the 4th of May at
12 Responses
The item ‘Chat with us’ has no link on that RM service model webpage.
Perhaps it will be there later this morning. (Currently 6.15!)
Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question.
On the 4th April I sent 3 seperate parcels to America.
7 days later the 1st one I sent arrived, but the other have not yet. I’ve got receipts of the delivery I payed 4.
What do I do how long should I keep giving b4 I put in a claim.
The URL seems to lead nowhere. Does anyone know if there is another way to access Live Chat?
Since privatisation Royal Mail have dispensed with routes to complaints or interaction from the long suffering public.
The so called service is on its knees and no longer takes matters such as missed placed deliveries seriously…
It’s not the post men and women, it’s the inept Management of a once world class business.
The ‘Contact Us’ option is pointless – there are no ways of contacting Royal Mail
Is there saturday deliveries in northern ireland
I have been waiting for mail from Thursday – also first class letter posted on Thursday has still not arrived – this was urgent!!
I know everyone is blaming coronavirus for everything but what is really going on?
What can I do to make sure I get some kind of service?
One letter I am expecting has not arrived while two people in same area had the same letter delivered on Saturday!!!
Can you help!
Hello. I want to say the Royal Mail staff are disaster . They delivered my parcel without my signature and my parcel it’s lost now . What I have to do ?disaster company
I have tried every way to pay customs charge and comes up error then when I phone can’t get through Royal Mail this is very frustrating