Advice for pet owners after cat catches COVID-19

The UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer has announced that the Coronavirus has been detected in a cat, the first case in an animal in the UK. It has been stated that the cat caught the virus from its owners and after having mild symptoms made a full recovery. There is a lot of misleading information circulating and to avoid panic among sellers with pets we have collected the most relevant information on the subject.

Pet advice from .Gov:

Coronavirus doesn’t transmit from pets to humans:

“This is a very rare event and the animal has made a full recovery. There is no evidence to suggest that pets directly transmit the virus to humans.”

In other words, if you are working with office pets, there is no evidence to say you will contract the virus from an animal with the virus and the chances of your pets getting the virus is extremely low.

Wash your hands:

You should wash your hands before and after handling your animals and stay 2 metres away from other people.

Washing your hands after touching your pets is important. Cat’s who venture outside, dogs on walks, and livestock could come into contact with people carrying the virus.

Don’t walk your dog with Coronavirus:

“If your dog cannot exercise at home, you should ask someone outside of your household or suuport bubble to walk your dog for you.”

If you have Coronavirus symptoms you should either exercise your dog in your home or ask a member of your bubble to help you, we presume this to be the last case scenario to avoid spreading the virus into your bubble.

Protecting your pets:

“The investigation into this case suggest that the infection was spread from humans to animal, and not the other way round. At this time, there is no evidence that pets can transmit the disease to humans.”

Despite the case being rare, if you do have office pets and someone is experiencing Coronavris symptoms it might help to limit interaction with animals to ensure their safety as much as your own.

Other than that, those of you feeling creative might take this opportunity to create some pet PPE. Good luck!

3 Responses

  1. Oh good, now cats can get it, and with the propensity for cat owners to let their pets lick them, it is only time before the cats are spreading this. And of course cat owners are so responsible, letting them out to do their business anywhere for all and sundry (except) the owners to clear up, not just picking up their mess maybe covid too! Maybe there should be tick boxes for smoke-free, cat-free, dog-free homes. People used to write it, may be it needs to be more prevalent until this virus is beaten?

  2. Excellent – maybe now we can finally get a law preventing next doors cats from crapping all over my garden and get the damn things on the end of a leash where they belong!

    Not that I`m having a dig at cat owners or anything but I`ve never seen one come into my garden to get rid of the mess that their pet leaves – I wonder how they would feel if I let my dog into their garden to take a poo and then just walked off?



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