More zero insertion fee listings for sellers on from August

No primary category set

Sellers on will be delighted at the news that from August their eBay Store Subscription will include more zero insertion fee listings.

This is a basic function of eBay that the more friction eBay removes from the listing process the more inventory sellers are willing to place on the site. The more inventory eBay has and the wider the selection, it naturally follows that the more will sell. If sellers aren’t willing to list because it costs them money they’ll put a smaller selection on eBay and no one wins.

As an additional incentive, sellers signed up to eBay payments on will get even bigger zero insertion fee listings allowances from August.

“Free listings promotions that we announced in spring 2020 were received enthusiastically by eBay sellers and proved to be a powerful and effective selling tool in the challenging COVID-19 environment. We want to help you keep this positive momentum going.

On August 1, 2020, we’ll update our selling fees with permanent free monthly fixed price and auction listings so you can continue to introduce, test, and sell new inventory. These changes will be available to all eBay sellers and you don’t need to take any action.”

Free monthly zero insertion fee listings on

Zero insertion fee listings for all sellers

For all sellers starting on the 1st of August 2020, including: Non-Store, Starter Store, and Basic Store subscribers

Before Aug 1, 2020

After Aug 1, 2020

Non-Store 50 auction or fixed price listings 200 auction or fixed price listings
Starter Store 100 auction or fixed price listings 250 auction or fixed price listings
Basic Store 250 fixed price listings
250 auction listings in Fashion & Collectibles
350 fixed price listings
250 auction listings in Fashion & Collectibles

Zero insertion fee listings for sellers with managed payments

For sellers enrolled in managed payments starting on the 1st of August 2020, including: Basic, Premium, Anchor, and Enterprise Store subscribers

Before 1st August 2020

After 1st August 2020+

Basic Store 250 fixed price listings in all categories
250 auction listings in Fashion & Collectibles
10,000 fixed price listings in select categories
350 fixed price listings in all categories
250 auction listings in Fashion & Collectibles
Premium Store 1,000 fixed price listings in all categories
500 auction listings in Fashion & Collectibles
50,000 fixed price listings in select categories
1,000 fixed price listings in all categories
500 auction listings in Fashion & Collectibles
Anchor Store 10,000 fixed price listings in all categories**
1,000 auction listings in Fashion & Collectibles
75,000 fixed price listings in select categories
10,000 fixed price listings in all categories
1,000 auction listings in Fashion & Collectibles
Enterprise Store 100,000 fixed price listings in all categories
2,500 auction listings in Fashion & Collectibles
100,000 fixed price listings in select categories
100,000 fixed price listings in all categories
2,500 auction listings in Fashion & Collectibles

Full details including select categories available on eBay.


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