From September, sellers who fall Below Standard will be banned from promoting listings on eBay. This means that if a seller isn’t providing an adequate service or if their products are resulting in too many buyer complaints then they won’t be able to buy their way to the top of search results or gain paid promotion in other slots across the site.
“This eligibility change is a crucial step towards improving the overall quality of Promoted Listings, as we anticipate an increase in both the quality of promoted items and the buying experience for our customers.”
– eBay
If your eBay account falls Below Standard you will no longer be able to use Promoted Listings and your campaigns will be automatically paused. You will be prevented from creating new campaigns or editing existing campaigns, but will still be able to view campaign data and download reports. If you are Below Standard then you’ll effectively only have access to a “read-only” version of the Promoted Listings dashboard.
If you want to start promoting listings on eBay again then you will need to become Above Standard or Top-rated, at which time your campaigns will be automatically un-paused and become eligible for display again.
This change is likely to be welcomed by most sellers as if you are providing a great service and great products then, regardless whether you yourself use Promoted Listings or not, you will no longer have to compete with shoddy sellers willing to pay any price for visibility and promoting listings to buyers in preference to your offers being surfaced.
2 Responses
I do not see a problem for those “trouble” accounts to be given a new account life. “Scam. Sell. Repeat”
How will the Chinese get around this. Like water in a sealed container the Chinese Ebay seller always finds a way around the rules