If you’re like many households, the past few weeks have resulted in a deluge of Amazon boxes of various shapes and sizes turning up at your door stop. Normally, the contents are the interesting part but now with the Amazon #MoreThanABox competition those discarded boxes could be worth a cool £100 in the form of an Amazon Gift Card.
Grab those Amazon boxes and get cutting, taping gluing and maybe even colouring in. Photo or film your creation and upload to the comment section of this Facebook post and tag your entry with #MoreThanABox and tag @AmazonUK.
There are eight Amazon UK Gift Cards, each worth £100, to be won. Two winners will be selected for each week of the Prize Draw which closes at 23.59 GMT on 23 December 2020. Entrants must upload their #MoreThanABox Holiday entry as either an image or a video to the comments section of one of @AmazonUK’s #MoreThanABox Holiday Prize Draw posts on the @AmazonUK Facebook page, or to their own public Instagram account as either a feed post or a story. The image or video posted must also tag @AmazonUK and use the hashtag #MoreThanABox in the post copy.
Once you’re done, make sure you check your alerts for comments from Amazon – The winners of each week of the Prize Draw Period will be notified via a comment from @AmazonUK on the social media platform through which they entered (Facebook or Instagram) by no later than 18.00 GMT on the Friday of the following week. If that’s you then you have three days from receipt of Notification to respond to Amazon and confirm acceptance of your £100 Amazon Gift Card Prize.
Of course the ironic part of this is…. when you spend your £100 you’ll have another Amazon box or two arriving on your doorstep!
3 Responses
All Amazon boxes in our house already live a second life 🙂 I don’t need a contest or price for that.
My son is eagerly awaiting Amazon packages and all he cares about is to get the box – the bigger the better! Then he builds all kinds of things with them – right now – it’s a real chimney they’re building together with his sister – for the Santa, of course!
I wish that boxes would arrive in better condition though as some of them already look like second hand, before arriving at my doorstep 🙂
spare a thought for those that boxes are the only thing they can call home
When it comes to ‘greenwash’ marketing and ‘spin’ Amazon are a class act.
All the more so when they cynically seek to defray costs on themselves and place the burden on their marketplace sellers.
We would love some of our products in FBA to actually be shipped in a box to protect them so they are in pristine condition when received by the customer.
After all we pay fulfillment fees for the service don’t we?
Wrong – not if any of these products get involved with the FFP (frustration free packaging) programme and more specifically SIOC (ships in own container).
Then you get product carton shipped with a label slapped on it, received in na shoddy condition and if unlucky enough to this returned you will finally get back a product worth 60% of its SP if you are lucky.
We get no discount when Amazon save their own fulfillment costs only increased returns and costs for the seller yet again.
If you try to challenge a SIOC classification for a product you will enter a world of pain in the Kafka like and impenetrable Amazon world where no-one knows what is going on any more and the autobots rule.
The long list of egregious actions, behaviors and policies undertaken by Amazon (and also eBay) is overdue action from regulators and competition authorities.
The EU will get there perhaps but the UK is lost given the current ‘ship of fools’ who purport to be our government.