Hannah Lia, Operations Director and Patrick Gore, MD of hampers.com take a look back at Q4 and what actually happened. With Covid and a labour shortage, this was always going to be one of the most challenging year ever, but perhaps not quite as challenging as their year that Hampers.com’s courier went bust!
They’ll review whether their delivery plans and operations withstood the pressures of x 4 volumes over 6 weeks of the year as well as all the turmoil in supply chain. What happened with sales? Did they manage to protect delivery over Peak? What were the operational learnings? How are they bracing the business and their warehouse operations for 2022? Join this masterclass for learnings from a retailer and learn how to supercharge your business, prepare for the worst and be well placed to take full advantage of the best!
Hannah Lia – Operations Director, hampers.com
Patrick Gore – Managing Director, hampers.com
Register now!
Tamebay live is your opportunity to meet speakers from marketplaces – Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, Fruugo, and Enable All will all be attending and ready to answer any questions you may have, so register now to ensure you don’t miss their sessions. As well as answering questions from attendees, the speakers from marketplaces presentations are designed to help you grow your business in 2022.
Tickets for Tamebay Live are free and as well as attending online you’ll also get access to watch any masterclasses you miss on demand after the event, so click here to register.