In this session, you’ll learn more about Amazon’s Small Parcel Shipping solutions between the UK and EU, which will allow you to inbound inventory across the UK-EU customs border, opening up EU fulfilment programs to access millions of additional Amazon customers and boosting sales by up to 30%. Our cross-border small parcel shipping programs will provide an end-to-end service to support you in easily sending inventory to one of our European fulfilment centres with faster delivery speeds and competitive rates. We’ll explain to you the details and differences of these solutions, allowing you to decide which one best fits your business goals. We’ll also save time at the end to answer your questions during a live Q&A.
Oscar Webb – Senior Account Manager, Amazon
Oscar is a Sr Account Manager at Amazon UK focused on helping UK Selling Partners successfully expand their businesses to Europe leveraging Amazon’s cross-border fulfilment programs.
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Tamebay live is your opportunity to meet speakers from marketplaces – Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, Fruugo, and Enable All will all be attending and ready to answer any questions you may have, so register now to ensure you don’t miss their sessions. As well as answering questions from attendees, the speakers from marketplaces presentations are designed to help you grow your business in 2022.
Tickets for Tamebay Live are free and as well as attending online you’ll also get access to watch any masterclasses you miss on demand after the event, so click here to register.